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i got stuck on how to click new game


press Z!

(2 edits) (+2)

I found a bug and got 15.949 seconds with it!



Does the game creator have a Discord?

 I found a softlock:


you can find me on Discord at @softmagic#9999


Nice, and thanks!


yikes, i'll have to patch that!


it's now patched in the latest update!


Interesting concept, I really like these kinds of games where the level itself can be twisted to suit one's own purposes, feels like a more tightly-controlled level editor/room placer. I always love to see it.


Beaten in 4:40
That's good concept and well looking game (but main cube could be more cute, at least as colorful as main cube from Adventure).

Strange thing to me: you can't move rooms so freely. Camera focuses on one where you stand currently. I hope that it won't lead to soft-lock problems.

Anyway, 5/5. Also, will gameplay have more than collecting gems and swapping rooms?


> main cube could be more cute, at least as colorful as main cube from Adventure

yeah i've been struggling to make a good player sprite, i think 8x8 is too limiting for my pixel art/animation skills. 

> Also, will gameplay have more than collecting gems and swapping rooms?

there's enemies and traps planned to spice up gem collecting. 


4:05 >:)